
My name is Rebekah and welcome to my blog!

The main purpose for this introductory blog is to begin preparation and documentation for the planning and execution of my final AICE Media Studies AS Level Course project.

I am tasks with creating a media content and I chose a four page magazine, which will include the cover page, contents page and the double page spread. The tasks of documenting this will require me to utilize various skills such as communication, critical thinking, photography, and my love for art.  

Main Tasks: 

  • My first task will be to work within a group to formalize various magazine ideas and topics, while adding my own creativity. 
  • Even though I am working within a group, I will showcase my own talent and abilities in my presentation of the magazine.
  • For the production, I will design the layout of each page using original images and content.

With free access to various software and programs, Canva will be my primary source because of the numeous designs and ideas for creation of my magazine that it offers. I will provide weekly updates on the progress and content for my media outcome. 



That's all for now!


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